Jul 28, 2023
An emotional and action packed podcast as I talk you through why
I'm closing down my dog business, Pack Leader Dog
You'll hear LIVE from me as I complete my final dog adventure 12
years after launching the U.K's first dog adventure company, and
enjoy my open and honest insights about what I've learned...
Jul 21, 2023
What happens when a daycare is built around enrichment and the
needs of each dog?
You are about to find out because episode 307 is an enlightening
interview with Amy Hillis, the Chief Strategy Officer of Social Pet
Hotel which she runs alongside CEO and husband Bill. They offer
daycare, lodging, boarding and training...
Jul 14, 2023
Have you ever had an idea for a pet product and wondered how to
take it to market?
Then tune in because in episode 306 I'm talking to Alex McKinnon of
Kinn Inc, who has successfully taken a bunch of products to market
that help doggy daycare and boarding businesses save time and
money, have sustainabilty at the heart...
Jul 7, 2023
You ever wondered how some pet businesses can get away with
charging super high prices, and they always seem full?
Did you think the reason is because they have more experience,
offer a better service or live in a more affluent area than
Well....you'd be wrong.
A premium pet business is possible for any pet...