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The Poodle to Pitbull Pet Business Podcast

Feb 26, 2021

This weeks guest is Waggs n Wuffs founder Lynn Lloyd. Lynn started her dog walking business in. She worked hard, got some amazing clients, hired staff, won awards, AND built an amazing reputation. When the pandemic hit she knew she knew she needed to re-tool with her marketing. Find out how she reduced...

Feb 19, 2021

Happy Birthday to US! Alex and I have a bumper 150th show in store (with special guests).We gas about why I started the podcast, we reminisce about our favourite episodes, we talk about the amazing guests we've had along the way,I share how we easily came up with 150 podcast ideas, AND there's a serious look at why you...

Feb 15, 2021

You've done all the courses, you've read all the books, you've created a Facebook page and now the distressed dog owners in your town are going to beat a path to your door, right? WRONG! It would be nice if this did happen but unfortunately life don't work like that, for dog trainers or anyone else. To have a successful...

Feb 5, 2021

Are you sensible or silly pet business owner? Are you a seminar junkie who sticks your had in the sand and ignores difficult marketing decisions? If so then todays episode will show you why every business decision you put off is costing you BIG STYLE! Alex the video guy and I shoot the shiz about the good and bad...