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The Poodle to Pitbull Pet Business Podcast

May 29, 2021

This week Dom is deep diving into the 90 day sprint process he uses to help his private clients smash their business and personal goals. Loosely based on the 12 week year program the PBIC 90 day goals and challenges program will help you achieve at least four times more than you do now, whilst ALSO freeing up more time...

May 21, 2021

A BIG mistake pet business owners make is they think things will be easier if only they had one more dog walking client, or they could fill one more training class, or fill one more day at the daycare... I used to think the same thing! In 2018 I was chasing sales and making lots of money, but a lack of strategy and...

May 14, 2021

This week Dom and Alex are deep diving into five things pet business owners can't pay the bills with. These involve very common, everyday activities that keep you busy, and make you feel like you are doing something worthwhile, but in reality they are worthless activities that are a complete waste of time, and add...