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The Poodle to Pitbull Pet Business Podcast

Nov 29, 2024

Have you heard of scent spaces? They’re the hottest new trend taking doggy daycares by storm - and for good reason. 

These small but mighty rooms are turning unused spaces into revenue-generating, behavior-calming, tail-wagging goldmines.

In this episode, Dom Hodgson reveals how scent spaces can transform your daycare into the talk of the town.

Joined by Tim Jackson, who’s seen firsthand the power of this innovation, Dom breaks down why scent spaces are the ultimate upgrade for any facility. Whether you want calmer, happier dogs, more impressed clients, or a premium service that sets you apart from competitors, this is the podcast that dishes the dirt on daycare scent spaces..

What you’ll learn in this episode:

How to Create a Scent Space – Everything you need to know, from materials to design, to set up your first scent room.
The Science Behind the Sniff – Why scent enrichment works and how it improves dog behavior and mental stimulation.
Big Results in Small Spaces – How even the tiniest rooms can become major assets for your daycare.
The Velvet Rope Effect – Why exclusive, premium services like scent spaces leave clients raving and coming back for more.
Sniffing Out Profits – Real-life success stories of how scent spaces drive new revenue streams and client loyalty.

Want to get started quickluy with a scent space in your facility? 

Click here to grab our special Black Friday offer NOW

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Huge thanks to Eve for joining me. You can find out more about Eve's doggy daycare staff training programs by clicking here now

A huge shoutout to our amazing show sponsor PACCC (Professional Animal Care Certification Council) you can find out more about PACCC, and apply to join by clicking here now.

If you want more help and advice from me then you should grab a copy of my brand new book, How to Disnify Your Pet Business, click here to get your copy now

If you aren't ready for a coach but still need help with marketing then you should join the Pet Business Inner Circle, where you can get access to hundreds of trainings and ask Dom anything inside the members only private forum, then click here now

To apply to join Dom's next level Diamond private coaching program click here now