Sep 29, 2023
Do you know the fastest way to spread the word about your
amazing pet services?
It’s to connect and build relationships with
other pet businesses, who can connect you with
their audience.
Collaborations can be very cool and profitable IF
you connect with the right people whose values align with
This strategy works for doggy daycare owners, dog
walkers trainers and groomers. It worked when I ran my dog
adventure and training business, and works for me now!
So, when I get the chance to work on a project with
another pet professional who I respect and admire, I grab it with
both hands, and in this weeks show you'll hear from three such
people I recently collaborated with.
First you'll hear a section from a hiring training I did with Doug
the Dog Guy. We talk about the BIG mistakes that most pet business
owners make when it comes to pricing.
Then, you'll hear a conversation with Nick Benger who interviewed
me for an upcoming episode of his show Dog Talk with Nick Benger.
We talk about Nick lightbulb moment that caused his business
fortunes to change
And finally, there's a cool section from a LIVE training I did for
Candace D-Agnolo's PetBoss Crew. In this part you'll hear me share
the secrets to Disnifying your pet business so you create memorable
experiences your clients remember AND talk about...
And if you want to know more about how to Disnify your pet business
then you are in luck because on October 9th I'm running a FREE live
5 day Disnify Your Pet Business Challenge!
This is your chance to discover how to transform your pet business
from ordinary to EXTRAordinary.
here to
grab your place on the challenge now
Remember, my last FREE challenge of the year is happening on
October 9th, and it's a Disnify Your Pet Business Special. Click
here to
grab your place now
If you want more help and advice from me then you should grab a
copy of my brand new book, How to Disnify Your Pet
Business, click here to get
your copy now
If you want to join the Pet Business Inner Circle where you can
get access to hundreds of trainings and ask Dom anything inside the
members only private forum, then click here now
To apply to join Dom's Diamond private coaching program
click here now