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The Poodle to Pitbull Pet Business Podcast

May 26, 2023

This weeks is a very special show because I'm celebrating the 300th episode of the podcast! 

Just over five years ago I picked up my microphone and started sharing winnning ways to grow, scale and dominate your town with a stand-out, super premium pet business. 

It's been an absolute blast, and I've had SO much fun along the way...

Tune in to discover;

  • Why I launched this podcast in 2018, and you'll get to hear a snippet with Alex the Video guy AND some chicks! 
  • How my podcast has changed and developed over the years, and why change is a GOOD thing! 
  • Why I switched from a dog training video podcast, and you'll get to hear a snipped from the original Superhero Dog Owners Show
  • How I handle bad reviews. HINT: Water off a ducks back....
  • Why you should start think about starting a podcast - and how it can help you grow your pet business.

And you'll also get to hear from a bunch of past guests and friends of the podcast, who stop by to say 'HappyPodcastiverasy!', or words to that effect...

I want to say thanks for being a loyal listener, and if you like the show please share it with any of your pet business owning pals! 

If you want more help and advice from me then you should grab a copy of my brand new book, How to Disnify Your Pet Business, click here to get your copy now

If you want to join the Pet Business Inner Circle where you can get access to hundreds of trainings and ask Dom anything inside the members only private forum, then click here now

To apply to join Dom's Diamond private coaching program click here now