Oct 6, 2023
If you've ever wondered what a truly Disnified doggy daycare
looks like, then you need to listen to this weeks guest Gary
the CEO of South Park Doggieland.
Gary grew up in Armenia and was fearful of dogs as a child,
before moving to the USA when he was 10 years old. He had a number
of sales jobs, before working for a fortune 500 company for seven
Then he followed his passion for dogs and opened his first daycare
13 years ago in Downtown Los Angeles, before opening his second
location 5 years later.
During the pandemic Gary had the brainwave to introduce doggie
adventure playparks to the market, and it was here the Disnifying
concept took root.
Now he has created a truly Disnified experience where the dogs in
his care do activities like football, swimming, movie nights and
arts and crafts - including 26 courses.
This concept has developed so now the dogs enjoy a total
immersive learning experience, with a canine curriculum.
Tune in to discover;
You can find out more about Gary, the amazing results his team
are achieving and more details about acquiring a DoggieWorld parks
franachise, click here now.
Remember, my final FREE challenge of the year is happening on
October 9th, and it's a Disnify Your Pet Business Special.
Click here to
grab your place now.
This is your last chance to discover how to transform your pet
business from ordinary to EXTRAordinary. Click here to
grab your place on the FREE challenge now
If you want more help and advice from me then you should grab a copy of my brand new book, How to Disnify Your Pet Business, click here to get your copy now
If you want to join the Pet Business Inner Circle where you can get access to hundreds of trainings and ask Dom anything inside the members only private forum, then click here now
To apply to join Dom's Diamond private coaching program click here now